What better way to escape The Great Depression of 1931 that has hit Chattanooga and Tennessee then a baseball game. Watch a new player Jackie Mitchell beats other baseball players while they leaving angry due to defeat. Don’t just watch, buy a box a Crackerjack for a nickel while watching.
Martin Luther King
Tax simulation
I went through a simulation where we had to pay taxes like the colonist did but instead with mints as candy. We would had a chosen person as king and two more as tax collectors. The king will pull a card for example, pay 2 mints if you have jeans so you would drop two in one of the tax collectors bins they carry around. I lose all my mints at the end so i knew how it felt for colonist that when broke in the taxes, plus i knew that colonist could go to jail for not paying their taxes.
2014 moment
I remember this one funny moment in the past year (2014) at this grey parking lot of a giant mall at Dallas. My aunt was trying trying hard to find a good parking spot almost every parking spot was filled with cars if red, white, and sliver. After 30 long minutes of waiting we finally found a parking spot to park the white shiny car. With the new year (2015) here i came with goals i set my mine to, make helpful friends and make excellent grades.
Color Poem (blue)
Digital Conduct
Chatterpix And Collective Noun
Bill The horse
Happy Mother’s Day
The best advice my mom gave me was to tie my shoes before I run so I dont fall and scrap my knees and elbows, I had to learn that the hard way. Another advice my mom gave me was to clean the top of a soda can before drinking it because I think it has germs on it. one other advice she has taught me was to check my toothbrush for toothpaste after brushing my teeth so I dont brush my teeth with one day old toothpaste. one was to chew with my mouth closed so i dont spill chewed food every where, which would be nasty. This one was for my safely, which was look 2 ways before crossing the street, if i didnt listen to that i would be ranned over by now. Another safely one was the be careful with water near any toaster, i was shocked to know that
Row Your Site
The gobin shark is common but not a lot of facts are known about this shark.
The gobin shark has lots of teeth, theres 24 on the bottom and 26 on the top.
The gobin shark pushes out its jaw right out of its head to catch prey.
This shark is nothing to worry about, humans are more a threat to these sharks. I got these facts from facts4me.com.